We have created a limited range of leather handbags available exclusively online at Wolf and Badger and in their Notting Hill store. The range includes two small messenger style bags which are large enough for your phone, make-up essentials and a small wallet; bags that are both beautiful and useful. The shape of the bag is formed through Swarovski crystal seams that are hand sewn to abut the leather at 90 degree angles. Because the seams are actually formed using the crystals, the Swarovskis become structurally integral to the bags as well as a stunning detail. It takes Paul a full day to do the hand sewing of the crystals alone in each one of these bags - they are true luxury...
Our Panama, Leather and Swarovski Crystal Collection is now available in store and online. For those in London, pop in and see our pieces in Wolf and Badger, Notting Hill. They also have a small range of our new handbags available exclusively. You can also purchase the collection online at Wolf and Badger, or on www.lovehats.com.Love Hats offer international delivery and also allow you to upload your photo to try on a hat virtually.